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Bill Maher sobre os professores portugueses

Jonasnuts, 13.03.10

E quando o Bill Maher escreve sobre os professores portugueses, é sinal de que algo vai mal, certo?


Um pequeno aperitivo:


"New Rule: Let's not fire the teachers when students don't learn - let's fire the parents. Last week President Obama defended the firing of every single teacher in a struggling high school in a poor Rhode Island neighborhood. And the kids were outraged. They said, "Why blame our teachers?" and "Who's President Obama?" I think it was Whitney Houston who said, "I believe that children are our future - teach them well and let them lead the way." And that's the last sound piece of educational advice this country has gotten - from a crack head in the '80's."


Passem por lá e leiam o resto, que vale a pena. Substituam as referências americanas por referências portuguesas, e percebem que se tivéssemos um Bill Maher em Portugal, aquilo poderia ser escrito cá. O que é grave, tendo em conta o grau de ignorância e de instrução do americano médio.


Acima de todos os outros indicadores, esta crónica de Bill Maher devia ser a wake up call, ou a gota no copo de água.

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